Chick-fil-A One

Less than a year ago, Chick-fil-A released their new mobile app Chick-fil-A One.  From the day it was released, the app took off with success.  The app allows the user to create a customized order prior to arrival and bypass the line upon arrival.  It also offers free food as a reward for being a "Raving Fan" and an outlet for finding local stores near you. 

Many people think of Chick-fil-A as a place with great food, great service, and a topnotch atmosphere.  However, innovation might not be the first thing that comes to mind when the Chick-fil-A brand is mentioned to the average consumer.  While it may not be top of mind for the consumer, it is certainly top of mind for the company.  Chick-fil-A is striving to stay in the forefront of the innovative world and ahead of the digital trends.  This was the ultimate reason for launching Chick-fil-A One.  By releasing a user-friendly, easy to understand app that had engaging content, Chick-fil-A  was taking a stand in the digital world. 


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